Code Section; Uniform Act
16-1501, et seq.; No
Who May be Adopted
Any child; with consent of parents, if living; any adult where the person adopting has sustained relation of parent.
Age that Child’s Consent Needed
12 years and older
Who may Adopt
Any adult resident of Idaho for at least 6 consecutive mos. prior to filing who is either 15 years older than child or 25 years of age or older; except spouse of natural parent or person adopting adult who has shown a substantial relationship as a parent has been maintained in excess of 1 yr. may adopt without above age restriction. No married person can adopt without consent of spouse.
Adoptive Home Residency Prior to Decree
State Agency/COurt
Dept. of Health & Welfare/Magistrate’s Division or District
Statute of Limitation to Challenge
6 mos. except for fraud